Versenybuziknak, öngyötrő megszállottaknak és álmodozóknak remek áttekintést biztosító cikket közölt a CNN a minap. (Pushed to the limit: The World's Toughest Endurance Challenges by Paul Gittings) Habár eléggé a hangzatos és extrém jellemzőkre fókuszál, tartalmaz tippeket jövőbeli nevezésekre, és akad néhány érdekes gondolat is.
"After swimming, cycling and running a total distance of 521 miles I had no facial hair growth for 10 days," he said. "I think it was my body's way of saying I am shutting down. I have known ultra endurance athletes to commit suicide within months of finishing sleep deprivation events." (Mark Kleanthous)
"Of all the body parts we train, none is more important than the mind.There is an obsession in triathlon with tracking how far and how fast we have gone in our latest session. People think that if their training log is in order, then so must be their preparation. But it's when the discomfort strikes that they realize a strong mind is the most powerful weapon of all."(Chrissie Wellington)