futó gondolatok

nem azé, aki fut

nem azé, aki fut

Mantrák és parancsok sportolóknak, versenyzőknek (in English)

2013. január 06. - SimonyiBalázs



No pain, no gain.

Effort is everything.

Just do it.

Run like a dog.



Outsuffer everybody!

Discover yourself! Redefine your limits!

Feel the Pain Community!

Feel the isolated agony!

You’ve got to have faith!

It is a race. You are supposed to finish it as fast as you can! Respect the clock!

Train a lot, but always try harder!

Give all you've got.

Every minute spend thinking or speaking about trainig is a minute of life wasted.

You can’t always take the easy way. Take the windy road! See what you can do.

Show your effort to couchpotatoes! Show an example!

Burn your matches cleverly!

There is 1001 times you want to quit, and there is always a part of you that will to continue to give it what you have. 

You can still have fun when you push yourself as hard as you can possibly go. And if you don’t win, you should be satisfied that you did your best. Figure out how you can do better next time, and maybe you can win next time.


TRIATLONISTÁKNAK » What is a Swim-Bike-Run game?

Voluntary torture of endurance racing

Competitive, cooperative, voluntary suffering

Pursuit of the triumph of spirit over flesh

Unbelievable pain and unaccountable desire to continue, to finish, to win

Fellow doomed ’triers’ (triathletes)

Illimitable misery

The bravery is a physical thing

Extremely unpleasant experience

Ability to manage and tolerate suffering

Power of persistence

Painfully enjoyable

Pride and fear


(a szövegek Matt Fitzgerald Iron War c. könyvéből valók).


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